Monday, April 11, 2011


It has been one of those WEAK weeks. Choosing frustration over grace, feelings of inadequacy instead of joy, overlooking the truth that transformation doesn't come without process and forgetting to love first. It's ugly and super uncomfortable and while I prefer to blame these moments on hormones, the bigger reality is that my pursuit of Him has been weak. I am humbled by how vulnerable and irritable I am when my priorities get skewed and I am forever wonder-filled that He continues to pursue me with a radical, perfect grace that I simply do not deserve.

2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT)
Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.

Counting the ways He loves as He shows up moment after glorious moment:

182-silly, happy boys in love with our sweet puppy
183- family meetings
184-lady banks roses
185- telling boys not to shred lady banks roses and throw them all over the yard
185- bright pink azaleas
186-fun nights with friends
187- impromptu dinner party with sister and niece/nephew while hubbies are away
188-spaghetti smiles that give away dinner starting before the blessing has been said
189-worship music that rocks and reminds me who I am and who He is
190- gratitude lists written by boys that surprise with their sweetness
191- bright green grass
192-bbq and cole slaw
193-questions, questions and more questions


  1. I've just got to say I can totally echo that first paragraph -- my weak, I mean week, exactly. Thank God for grace!

  2. 188 made me laugh! And maybe counting it as a gift sav you from being annoyed by a small transgression?


The Joy Project 40

Designed by:

Munchkin Land Designs
Elements by various artists.