Friday, June 3, 2011

5 minute Friday

Here are the rules straight from

Indulge in five rich, delicious minutes of pure writing.

Tell your readers you’re linking up here and invite them to dig in too.

And most importantly, go visit, read, and compliment the five minute chef who served something up right before you.

Every Day...

Every day I wonder. I wonder about the future. About the choices I am making.
About who I am really living for.
It seeems like pressure abounds these days.
There are stories surrounding me of children living abandoned and in horrific poverty, children abused and neglected, children with horrible/preventable illnesses, children who have lost hope that they will ever have a family where love abounds.
And then there is the juxtaposition of my own children. We are so not perfect parents but we L-O-V-E these beautiful boys who are perfectly and wonderfully made even in their imperfections. We praise our Creator for allowing us to be parents...their parents.
We wrap them in blankets, snuggle tight and count blessings and milestones.
We make mountains out of molehills when it comes to how they will be educated, the activities they participate in and
how best to raise them to be on fire for and unashamed of our God.
And oh how the juxtaposition hurts.
Because even though I know that we are all loved and the cross reminds me of that every day, it still stinks that some of us don't get to be in earthly relationships
where someone is on fire for us.
And this reality, this reality that fills my little office, fills my computer screen and fills my heart reminds me to keep the fire burning and spread the Gospel message
by loving, loving, loving...every day.

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The Joy Project 40

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